パクチーサラダ(餃子)Lemon pasta salad (Ginger pork sauté Japanese say sauce style)

言わずと知れた日本のおかず「豚肉のしょうが焼き」。この料理と相性抜群なのがマヨネーズということにみなさんはお気づきだろうか? 醤油と砂糖の甘辛いたれにマヨネーズが混ざることで生まれるまろやかな味わい。一度に口に入れるごはんの量を間違え、おかずを食べきる前に茶碗の中のごはんはどんどんとなくなっていく。しかし、マヨネーズだけでは付け合わせの料理とは言えない。そこで考えられるのが、ポテトサラダ、マカロニサラダ、スパゲティサラダなどのマヨネーズベースのサラダだ。今回は定食屋では、あまり注目されないスパゲティサラダを主役にするべく、いろいろと考えてみた。一般的な付け合わせのスパゲティサラダにはほとんど具材が入ることがない。そのため食感によるリズムがなく、食べ飽きてしまうこともある。まずはスパゲティサラダにリズムを出すために、きゅうりと玉ねぎを加えることにした。その上で、ゆで卵とハムを加えることでコクと食材による食感とは違うリズムをつける。ここまでで、だいたいのおいしい理由付けはできたのだが、これぐらいのことなら既にやっているレシピは数多くあるだろう。「オリジナリティなきものは主役にはなれない」。マヨネーズという、あの濃厚な味をすっきりとさせ、重たさを感じさせないようにするキラリと光る華やかな食材「レモン&黒こしょう」が必要だったのだ。レモンはレモン汁とレモンの皮を両方使うことで酸味と香りを全面に出し、粗く挽いた黒こしょうでスパイシーな辛味をプラスする。ひとくち食べれば口の中に広がるレモンの爽やかな香りにうっとりとし、そのあとに襲ってくるマヨネーズのまったりとした味わい。最後にピリオドを打つように黒こしょうの辛味がやってくる。完璧だ。しょうが焼きをほおばり、次にご飯にいくか、スパゲティサラダにいくかを考えることにより、ご飯の量を間違えずに食べ進めることができる。これぞ、しょうが焼き定食の付け合わせのあるべき姿。語らずに存在だけで、人が陥りがちな間違いを正していくこの「スパゲティサラダ」の存在は、神に近いのではないか。そう、このスパゲティサラダのことを僕は「Existence like God = 神のような存在」と呼ぶ。

Do I even need to mention anything about the ‘Japanese ginger grilled pork’? Did you know that this food and mayonnaise have an excellent chemistry together? The mellow taste that mayonnaise mixed with the sweet and salty sauce of soy sauce and sugar give. You are sure to mistake the portion of rice that you eat each time and end up eating a lot and long before you even finish the sides, your rice bowl would get empty. However, mayonnaise alone cannot serve the sole purpose of a garnish. That is when we can think of mayonnaise based salads like potato salad, macaroni salad and spaghetti salad. This time around, I thought a lot about giving limelight to the spaghetti salad that is often times paid less attention at set menu restaurants. Usually, spaghetti salads with typical garnishing barely include toppings of any sort. That is why there are chances that you get tired of eating the same kind of stuff that lacks variations in the texture. So as to add a different flow to spaghetti salad, I went on add cucumber and onion. On top of that, including ham and boiled egg would provide a different rhythm to the texture of the flavor and ingredients. Up until here, we were able to give a sense of deliciousness to the salad but I am pretty sure that a lot of recipes are already doing this.” It cannot make an idol if it is not original.” The rich and refreshing taste of mayonnaise and the bright and ornate ingredients, ‘lemon and black pepper’ that do not give the feeling of heaviness were necessary. As per lemon, using both lemon juice and peel of the lemon give sour taste and flavor to the entire surface and coarsely ground black pepper adds spicy pungent taste. Taking a bite charms you with refreshing aroma of lemon and then hits you with relaxing taste coming out of mayonnaise. The pungent taste of black pepper will put an end to it. It is perfect. With mouthful of ginger grilled pork and depending on whether you go for rice or spaghetti salad, it is sure that you move further without mistaking the portion of rice. This should be perceived as the garnishing for ginger grilled pork set. Just by tacit understanding, isn’t the very existence of this spaghetti salad that could correct the mistakes that people are apt to fall, really close to god? Yes, I am going to call this spaghetti salad, ‘the existence like God.’

  • スパゲティ 100g
  • きゅうり 1/2本
  • 玉ねぎ 1/4個
  • ハム 4枚
  • a レモン汁 1/2個分
  • a ゆで卵 2個
  • a オリーブオイル 大さじ1
  • a マヨネーズ 50g
  • a 黒こしょう 多め
  • レモンの皮 1/2個分
  • 100g pasta (1.8mm)
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1/4 onion
  • 4 sliced ham
  • 20ml lemon juice
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 1 table spoon olive oil
  • 50g mayonnaise
  • A lot of black pepper
  • 1/2 zest of lemon


1. Place a large pot of water over high heat, add the pasta and cook, following Package instructions.
2. Cut the cucumber into 2mm-thick round slices. Toss in salt and set a side.
Cut the onion in slices, soak in water and drain well.
Cut the hum into rectangles.
3. Mix the crushed boiled eggs and in a bowl, add '1.' mix well.
4. Put the pasta salad in a serving plate. Garnish with zest of lemon.


I bought this in London when I was traveling to UK. It was a household goods store in a street of a town with a lot of Muslims. It is typically used for curry but you can also use it for grilled ginger, marinated fish, pasta, etc.” -Yamada
