パクチーサラダ(餃子)Fresh coriander salad (Dumplings)


Dumplings make a complete meal. They have everything from meat and vegetables to carbohydrates. Therefore, they don’t really need garnishing but there is an option of vinegar, soy sauce and chili oil. Or you can always dip them in the vinegar and black pepper sauce once or twice and toss them in your mouth. Beer is sure to give you a sense of complete meal as you swallow the hotness of the dumplings. If we were to glance at the history of this impeccable complete meal, it surprisingly takes you back to about 2600 years ago. The shell is also positioned firmly for a long time without putting them too close to each other. So these dumplings can simply be domineering but the garnishing for them this time is supposed to ease your frustration. But before actually knowing others, I tried analyzing the dumplings first. The skin is puffy and the brownish part has great aroma and crisp texture. The bean paste is full of vegetables and meat and depending on how they are fried, usually they are very juicy and have a lot of vegetable soup which stays inside while depending on the dumpling skin. And as you put it into your mouth and chew, the deliciousness spills out the way water balloons burst. That is the best moment of eating dumplings. And trying to pin point the weaknesses of dumplings changes into an appraisal. So this cook who just got utterly defeated, changed the strategies and decided not to get rolled up in long stuff. I decided to come up with such a garnishing that can get along with the dumplings, the kind that one never gets tired of eating. It was then when the idea of ‘Fresh coriander and lemon salad’ popped out. If you actually eat it, the aroma of fresh coriander and lemon takes the dumplings on a ride from ‘China’ to ‘Thailand’. The cashews in it will give you an impression of the taste you can find in Malaysian curry. You will keep eating that lusciousness without stopping. So, how about joining this journey with dumplings that will give you the feel of three different Asian countries’ food?

  • パクチー 2束
  • カシューナッツ 10粒
  • レモン 1/2個
  • a 黒こしょう 少々
  • a オリーブオイル 小さじ2
  • a 塩 2つまみ
  • 2 fresh corianders
  • 10 grains of cashew nuts
  • 1/2 lemon
  • <a> a little black pepper
  • <a> 2 table spoons olive oil
  • <a> 2 table spoons salt

① ボウルにa以外の材料を入れます。
② ①にオリーブオイルを入れてさっと和え、塩と黒こしょうでを加えて味を調えます。

1. Chop off the ends of the fresh coriander, cut into half, and separate the stems and the leaves.
Cut the stem part into small pieces and cut the leaves part into 2-3cm-long pieces.
Cut the lemon into 1-2mm-thick 1/4round slices.
Chop the cashews nuts into fine pieces.
2. Mix the '1.' and olive oil in a bowl. Add salt and black pepper.

「真鍮製のプレートは、and recipe立ち上げ前に旅したネパールで購入。大人数でごはんを食べる時にサラダを盛り付けたりパンを焼いて載せたりと大活躍です。ガラスボウルは、水道橋にある千鳥というお店で購入しました」(山田)

“I bought the brass plate in Nepal before and recipe had launched it. When eating meal in large groups, it can be of great use for serving salads or to put baked bread. I bought the glass bowl at a shop called Chidori which is in Suidoubashi.” -Yamada

ポテトクミンソテー(ポークカツレツ)Sautéed cumin and potato (Pork cutlet)

ポークカツレツの付け合わせを考える時に、絶対に外してはならないことがある。ソースをカツレツにかける際に、付け合わせにまでソースがかかってしまったとしてもそれはそれで付け合わせがおいしくなくてはならないことだ。そう考えると付け合わせの材料となる食材が少し絞られてくる。キャベツ、マカロニ、トマト、そして、「おじゃが」だ。今回は、おじゃがことじゃがいもを使って付け合わせを作る。真っ先に思い浮かぶのはポテトサラダだが、それではあまりにも芸がない。では千切りにして、軽く茹でてシャキシャキ食感のサラダは……? いや違う。ポークカツレツと調和しつつも前にグッと出てくる存在感がほしい。調和という部分では調理法を同じにすることで、お皿の上の統一感を出すことにした。だが存在感の部分で悩むことになる。最初は爽やかにタイムやバジルといった清涼感のあるハーブと塩で食べるのはどうかと考えたが、よく考えるとその役割は千切りキャベツで十分補えている。ならばカレー粉はどうか? これもまた複雑に配合されたスパイスがカツレツの衣に忍ばせた粉チーズの邪魔をしてしまう。いっそのこと、カレーのメインとなる香りクミンだけを使ってじゃがいもをソテーするのはどうか? 答えが見えた瞬間だった。あとはクオリティの問題だ。表面はカリッと仕上げたほうが俄然おいしいはず、じゃがいもを蒸して、ひとくちだいに切り、切り口にザラつきを持たせることで油との接地点が多くなりよりクリスピーな食感となる。噛むと一気に広がる香りをイメージして、クミンはパウダーではなくシード使い、味付けはソースがかかる恐れがあるのでシンプルに塩こしょうで。ほぼ完成だ。試食をする。イメージ通りのクリスピーな食感とクミンが、カツレツに引けを取らない存在感を醸し出している。そしてその時はやってきた。ナイフとフォークで注意をはらいながら食べ進んでいたにもかかわらず、カツレツの上にあったはずのソースがポテトに。恐る恐る口の中にポテトを入れると、それはいい意味で期待を裏切ったのだ。想像を超えるおいしさ、最初からソースをかけていてもいいぐらいだった。これぞまさに目立ちたがりのお肉を脇役にだ。

When you think of garnishing pork cutlet, there is one thing that you should never miss. While you pour sauce on the pork cutlet, if the sauce gets up to the garnish, it should naturally be delicious. If we think it that way, the food ingredients that are used to make key materials for garnishing can also manage to get through. The ingredients are cabbage, macaroni, tomato and our very own ‘potato’. This time we are using potatoes to make the garnish. The first thing that comes to my mind is potato salad, but that does not really require any skill. What about the salad where the potatoes are shredded and lightly boiled and has crisp texture? No, not really. I want it to be something that gives me a strong sense of existence right before having pork cutlet in harmony. Harmony as in, while following the same cooking style, I made a decision to show that sense of unity on the dish. However, I am worried on the part of how it is going to look. At first, how about eating with some refreshing herbs such as thyme and basil with salt in an invigorating way? But come to think about it, shredded cabbage could easily make up for that. Curry powder? That would just end up disturbing the grated cheese concealed in the batter of the pork cutlet because of the complexly blend spices. I think it would be better if I just use the main spice, cumin and sautéed the potatoes. This is the moment I got the answer. Rest is only about quality. If the surface is well done, it is supposed to give an instant deliciousness, then steam the potatoes and cut them into bite size and by giving roughness to the cut ends, the grounding point of the oil becomes higher, thus bringing about crisp texture to it. While thinking of it as when you take a bite, the aroma is going to spread off, it is better to use cumin seeds to powder and for seasonings, simple salt and pepper are suggested as there is a chance that sauce is going to be used later. It is almost done. Let’s try. Like I imagined it to be, the crispy taste and cumin gave a fascinating identity to the cutlet. Finally the time has come. While paying attention to the knife and fork, I advance towards what could have been the sauce on top of the cutlet, potatoes. With a little fear, I put a piece of potato in my mouth and the taste betrayed my expectation in a very good way. The taste exceeded my imagination. Even if I had poured the sauce from the beginning, it would have tasted okay. This is definitely the garnishing for the meat that stands out.

  • ジャガイモ 2個
  • クミンシード 小さじ1
  • 塩 2つまみ
  • 白こしょう 少々
  • a オリーブオイル 大さじ2
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 table spoon cumin seeds
  • 2 table spoon salt
  • A little white pepper
  • 2 table spoon olive oil


1. Place the potatoes in a steamer. Put the lid and heat for 15-20 minutes.
Peel the potatoes and cut the potatoes in 1.5cm dices.
2. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, and fry the potato until they turn golden brown.
3. When the potato is cooked, turn off the heat and add salt, pepper, and cumin seed.


“I bough this one at a place called Guranpie in Jingumae. This place retails stuff from Asia and European regions so getting even a single item can be innumerable. This plate is made of aluminum so it can also be used as a lid for pots.” -Yamada
