おいしく食べよう。Let's eat deliciously.

ごはんが炊けたのなら、さてどうする? もちろん、おいしくいただくしかありません。では、美味なる食事中のマストアイテムといえば? そうです。楽しい会話です。ごはんにまつわるプロフェッショナルたちに、おすすめな「ごはんのおともTOP3」を持参してもらいつつ、咲いた談義は、ごはんとお米のことと、いかにおいしく炊くかということ。たっぷりな余談とともにおすそわけです。撮影:衛藤キヨコ

The rice is ready, and what's the next? Well, the following is for you to eat deliciously. Then, what is a must item for a nice meal? Yes, it's pleasant conversation. Inviting the food specialists who brought their top 3 foods that best match with the rice, we talked over the food, rice and how to make a perfect rice - sharing with numerous stories. Photographs by Kiyoko Eto

第三話 デザート的会話おいしく食べようEPISODE 3 DessertLet's eat deliciously


We'd like to talk more, but it's time to end our conversation. Lastly, please give some advice about cooking the perfect rice.


Although I'm not an expert like you all, I'll start. It's very simple: first, leave you hungry and then cook.




That is so anticlimactic!


So ture. What else can I say after you told that?


By the way, this Curry is also yummy!

女子ふたりは自由すぎる! あとね、カレーはおまけだから。せめて、みんなで持ち寄った「おとも」をほめてよ。

Okay, ladies! That was so liberating. And, as mentioned before, curry is also an extra. You should praise top 3 foods that best match with the rice that others brought today.


And the secret of this recipe is red wine, right?

うん。いつか、and recipe magazineで特集するので読んでください。じゃあ、のりこさん、ごはんをおいしく炊くコツを教えてください。

Yes, please read and recipe magazine. So, Noriko, please tell us about your secret of cooking the perfect rice.

私? 私は、お米にやさしくしてあげる、かなぁ。

Me? Be nice to the rice.


Hmm, do you agree with her, Shunichi?


Basically, yes, as the rice is a delicate food. But you know, if you say so, some might think it's about gently rinsing the rice.


True. I mean, they wash the rice really gently.


So you should be kind to the rice,
but it needs more awakedness.

ん? どういうこと? いいこと言ったみたいな顔してるけど、みなさん顔ポカーンだよ?

What do you mean by saying that? People don't really understand.

なんだろうな。お米って調理されるまでは、ごはんになるぞって気持ちが甘いと思うんですよね。だから、「いいか? お前はこれからごはんになるんだぞ。おいしくなるんだぞ」って思いながら、いつもごはんを炊いています。

Um... Until the rice is cooked, it's more like in a status of curling up and dozing off. You should tell the rice, "You'll become a delicious food." That's what I always think when I cook the rice.




Well, I can understand. It's not about cooking rice, but whenever I cook meat, I feel the same way. The meat doesn't exist until you grill it. It became exist when you burn to a crispi for the surface, while you steak rare in the middle.


Right! That's exactly what I meant for the rice.


And what is your secret, Yamada?

米の炊き方という主旨からは外れてしまうかもですけど、料理全般に言えると思っていることは、すべての工程がおいしそうだったら、完成した料理って絶対においしいはずで。たとえば、シャケを焼いている時もおいしそうに焼いてあげると結果もおいしいし、ごはんを研ぐのでも、さっきのなでてるにしても、乱暴にぎゅっぎゅっとやってもおいしそうに見えないですよね? だから、ごはんもおいしそうに見える工程を踏めば、自然とおいしく炊けると思います。

Not only for cooking the rice, but it also applies for cooking all the foods: If all the processes of cooking seem yummy, in the end, the served food will be delicious as well. When grilling the salmon, for instance, it seems delicious during your grilling, it's really delicious after all. When you rinse the rice, it doesn't seem delicious if you wash it violently. You can cook the perfect rice if you properly take delicious-looking steps.


When we talked about the meat's existence, I had no idea that it became our wise words of today.
I really believe that
the deliciousness is the truth.






Well, it's your last comment, so I tried to make some joke. But you're true. Deliciousness is the truth, for sure.

