おいしく食べよう。Let's eat deliciously.

ごはんが炊けたのなら、さてどうする? もちろん、おいしくいただくしかありません。では、美味なる食事中のマストアイテムといえば? そうです。楽しい会話です。ごはんにまつわるプロフェッショナルたちに、おすすめな「ごはんのおともTOP3」を持参してもらいつつ、咲いた談義は、ごはんとお米のことと、いかにおいしく炊くかということ。たっぷりな余談とともにおすそわけです。撮影:衛藤キヨコ

The rice is ready, and what's the next? Well, the following is for you to eat deliciously. Then, what is a must item for a nice meal? Yes, it's pleasant conversation. Inviting the food specialists who brought their top 3 foods that best match with the rice, we talked over the food, rice and how to make a perfect rice - sharing with numerous stories. Photographs by Kiyoko Eto

第一話 前菜的会話EPISODE 1 Appetizerなぜに味噌汁?Why Miso Soup?


Thank you all for introducing various ways of making a rice. What do you think about other's introduced ways?


Both of you turned the heat off before it burns. I guess many people who use Hagama or Do-nabe cook until the surface gets burned, and it was a breeze for me. In fact, it's really tasty.


If you would like to enjoy the rice itself, I recommend this cooking. How about you, Gohan Doumei?


This Miso Soup is really good!!!




No, no (laughter). I mean, this time, we invited you all to talk about your top 3 foods that best match with the rice. I feel happy that you love this extra Miso Soup though (laughter).


Did you use Katsuo to make a soup?


Okay... let me tell you again. We need to talk about how to cook a rice (laughter).


I see! Katsuo and Kombu, right?

and recipe magazineの3月号を読んでください。

Okay, I need to fix this first - please find the detailed information in March edition of and recipe magazine.




We talked about burning, right? Well, I'm not really fond of the culture of the burned food.


I agree. Gohan Doumei learned from the trial and errors, and we like the today's introduced way of making a rice the most.


It is really tasty. You made perfect white rice. By the way, I am wondering if there is an unique way of cooking a rice of those trials and errors that you mentioned.


We cooked with sparkling water.




Actually, it's tasty. As it ensures that the proper vibration is provided, the cooked rice can dance!


Well, there were many, many failuers though.


Yes, like using honey. In order to plan a magazine's feature on cooking old rice deliciously, we found the information that honey can save the old rice from the internet, but it didn't work for us. This unique smell of honey spread across the rice.


Ugh! That's bad.


I felt really bad (laughter). I enjoyed such an upset of Hagama today - the rice using a Hagama was the softest, while I thought it would be a little hard.


That's what I thought. I thought using Do-nabe ended in softer rice.


Well, it was BALMUDA's rice cooker. Although it is made by BALMUDA, I was half a doubt about this rice cooker. However, the first time I ate it, the taste was a shock that I was like "How is it so elastic?" The rice is cooked just right, and when I eat it with miso soup, I can taste each grain of cooked rice in my mouth. Beholden, I came up with the idea that using Do-nabe with BALMUDA's rice cooker can cook a drier rice.


Then, do you think the recipe for this time is different from previous ones?


Yes, it's different. Until now, the cooked rice was softer, as commonly happens with using Do-nabe.


I can understand. While there are people who love soft rice, but you can enjoy the rice cooked with BALMUDA's rice cooker, as you can taste each grain.


Thanks. Our company's development team would be glad to hear that. Before releasing the product, I guess team members cook more than 3000 times for the experiment. Well, there is even a member who became fat, but we think that it is not because of the rice, but because of the "Marugoto Banana" that they ate in addition to the rice as the rice began to cloy.

