おいしく食べよう。Let's eat deliciously.

ごはんが炊けたのなら、さてどうする? もちろん、おいしくいただくしかありません。では、美味なる食事中のマストアイテムといえば? そうです。楽しい会話です。ごはんにまつわるプロフェッショナルたちに、おすすめな「ごはんのおともTOP3」を持参してもらいつつ、咲いた談義は、ごはんとお米のことと、いかにおいしく炊くかということ。たっぷりな余談とともにおすそわけです。撮影:衛藤キヨコ

The rice is ready, and what's the next? Well, the following is for you to eat deliciously. Then, what is a must item for a nice meal? Yes, it's pleasant conversation. Inviting the food specialists who brought their top 3 foods that best match with the rice, we talked over the food, rice and how to make a perfect rice - sharing with numerous stories. Photographs by Kiyoko Eto

第二話 メイン的会話ごはんは深い?EPISODE 2 Main StoryRice is Deep?


The reason why I thought the rice is deep is that, as for my Do-nabe, I feel like changing my mind back to the softer rice. Spoilt for choice, I like Japan.


I understand. Gohan Doumei has had such times.


There were times when we were hooked
on the gross weight method.


Gross weight method? What is that?


Such a careful analysis of the rice -- wash and measure the volume of rice. Add water and measure again.


Then, we felt annoyed about all the calculations (laughter).


In the end, everything is a taste.


We end up deciding "150g of the rice, 200cc of water per one person" for the basis of cooking a perfect rice.

研いでいる時に米は水を吸いますよね? それはどう考えるんですか?

If you wash the rice, it absorbs water, and how can you measure the exact amount?


It's impossible.




Before, like the Gross Weight Method Ages, we did spend our time and care in doing that work.


The Gross Weight Method Ages? Not to that extent, I think (laughter).


How about the Storing the Washed Rice
in the Refrigerator Ages?

あれはね、時代じゃなくて、私たちの定番! 本当におすすめだから。

That's not the ages! It's very recommendable!


How about that method?


Washing the rice with water at room temperature or cold water is usually recommended. If you rinse with hot water, amylase works and starts to break down the starch, so that the deliciousness diminishes. Therefore, store the rice, soaked for about two hours in water, in refrigerator can make it more delicious.


But why?


Um... I forgot.




Let me guess. In the case of the Hagama for Gohan Doumei, it takes about 8-10 minutes until boiling. I guess you can increase this time with cold water.

そうそうそうそう! 沸騰までの時間を長くとれると安定するから、冷たい状態から炊いたほうがおいしいというのを、いま思い出しました!

That's right! I just remembered, with a longer gap of time, you can cook the rice more deliciously.

バルミューダの実験でもそうでした。炊き始めの40度から50度の状態がちょっと長めにとれるとおいしくなるみたいで。あれはどうですか? 炊き方じゃないんですけど、お米選びってみなさんはどうされています?

BALMUDA's test also revealed that a longer time-consuming for starting to cook at 40-50 degrees makes the rice more delicious. By the way, what do you all think of selecting the rice?


We prefer to buy moderate amount, about 30kg? My hometown, a farm family, delivers the rice for us.


It's 30kg. Yet, for some special occasions, we need much more rice for holding events, so they send us two times: 60kg.

すごいですね! さきほどの少ない量をというのは、なにか理由があるんですか?

Great. Do you have any reason for that?


Smell. If you leave the rice too long, it smells bad.


Except for brown rice. The rice begins to age when it's exposed to the air. Thus, we don't recommend storing in the rice bin to those who take much time to eat the rice. Rather, refrigerate it in sealed containers, such as a zip lock bag.


I see. How about you, Yamada?


I also buy a small amount of the rice, like about 2kg. As for me, however, I don't have the right reason for doing this, but it's because I'm interested in buying various types of the rice.




Do you have any particular brand that you prefer?


Yes, "Tsuya-Hime" from Yamagata.


Tsuya-Hime has a good reputation, especially for females.


We tested many products as well, but in my opinion, I prefer "Tsuya-Hime" from Shimane.


From the perspective of the region, I think the rice from the areas around the Sea of Japan, such as Shimane or Tottori, is of good quality.


So true. They have an excellent reputation.


I shot in Okuizumo, Shimane the other day, and heard that Nita rice from Nita is really delicious.


Yes. For the reader's information, Eto, a photographer, is from Kansai, who is fond of traveling and eating. She just joined in our conversation.

