Excuse me,アイアムロンリー! and 台湾Excuse me, I am lonely! and Taiwan

ひとり旅にグルメ旅行。ハネムーンに傷心旅行。旅にもいろいろあるけれど、and recipeが大好きなのは<誰かを訪ねる旅>だったりします。ある国に住んでいる友達だったり、逢いたい人だったり。目的地ではなく、訪ねたい人ありきの旅は、一度きりのものとはならず、またそこへ行く理由がうまれる「続いていく」もの。記念すべき第1回目の<誰かを訪ねる旅>の目的地は、台湾でした。

クレジット: 撮影/衛藤キヨコ 取材・文/唐澤和也

Solitary trip, eating gourmet trip, honey moon trip, consoling the heart break trip, there are many kinds of trips but the one that “and recipe” likes the most is <Trip to visit someone>. This includes visiting friends living in some countries, people you want to see. The journey you take to see someone won't end just for once, it will continue to be another and another journeys. The first round of the memorable destination of <Trip to visit someone> was Taiwan.

Credit: coverage.sentence / Kazuya Karasawa
Shooting / Kiyoko Eto


市場へ夜市へGO GO GO!台湾の初日は食&食&食!To market, to the night market GO GO GO! The first day of Taiwan is Food & Food & Food!


It was a luxurious <Trip to visit someone> when I look back my trip to visit Yuka Aoki . She is a person who loves Taiwan, who lives in Taiwan and who finally became a mother in Taiwan. Besides that she is an active expressionist and also a coordinator. Yuka took us to the market or to the shops that serves delicious home cooking. On the first day of Taiwan, we encountered the food materials, complete dishes, and so many in different forms of Taiwanese food.

「あれ? あれれ? あれあれあれ? なんでだろ? 足裏がめちゃくちゃ柔らかい!」 

なぜに1ヶ月前には足裏がめちゃくちゃに柔らかく、made in TOKYOな足裏っぽくなかったのか。それは、2015年の12月11日からの3日間、僕が台湾を旅していて、ある人から「夏威夷養生行館」というマッサージ店をすすめられた結果、それはもう衝撃的な気持ちよさで、連日連夜通いまくっていたからだった。

きっかけは、大同電鍋と呼ばれる台湾独自の調理器具、そのレシピ本的パンフレットをand recipeチームで作ったからなのだが、すべての始まりは青木由香さんだった。世界各国を旅したのち、2003年に台湾を訪れてからこの国と人の魅力にどっぷりとはまり『奇怪ねー台湾』というベストセラーを出しちゃったり、テレビの世界でも外国人として初めて最優秀総合司会者部門に選ばれたり、台湾で一番有名な日本人である青木さん。日本に向けて台湾情報を発信したり、最新かつセンスあふれる現地コーディネイトもしている人でもあり、件の「夏威夷養生行館」ももちろん由香さんのおすすめだった。
そんな彼女が、大同電鍋の魅力を教えてくれたことが、このパンフレットが生まれるきっかけで、でもって、誰かが酒の席で言った「台湾で打ち上げしたいね〜」というたわごとを、参加スタッフ全員が真に受けてしまう。季節は冬。というか、師走。ふつうのカメラマンやらライターやらは年末進行という超繁忙期なはずなのに、なぜかみんなが「行く!」と即答していた。あれはなんだったのか。みんな、暇人だったのか? それとも台湾の魅力か? 単純に酔っぱらっていたのか? あるいは、それら全部だったのか?

行きの飛行機の出発が早朝5時、帰路が深夜0時 40分(東京着早朝4時40分!)。なにかと早いし遅い。でも、このスケジュールだと、台湾の滞在時間をフル状態で長時間設定できることがうれしい。


しかも、味のほうはもちろんの好吃(ハオチー)だったけれど、青木さんによるそのお店の背景解説までもが好吃(ハオチー)だった。 あるお店に入る。青木さんから、「このお店はね、サラリーマンが毎日来ても飽きない店にしたいって、オーナーが無駄な内装費をかけないでオープンしたの。だからキレイではない。でも、おいしい」との物語を聞く。その後、笑顔の店員さんが運んできてくれた「蒼蠅頭(四川風肉そぼろ)」は絶品で、6人で囲んだ円卓がぐるんぐるんとまわりまくった。ぐるぐる好吃(ハオチー)だ。以後の3日間、地元の人がふだん使いをするお店から、なかなか予約が取れない人気店まで、青木さんにはお世話になりっぱなしだった。

That person says in the tone of the tragedy, as if he is dying and partying from this world. 「Your soles have already become the sole of the normal Tokyoites.」 This was when ten days had passed after the beginning of the year 2016.
Oh man, I was disappointed by this man even though I was a customer. I tried not to grin under the thin towel which was on my face. I was one of his customers and was taking of foot massage treatment by him. He is one of the best foot massager. He has a nice glasses on, too. One month before, he said to me:
「What? What What? What What What?why? Your soles are incredibly tender and soft!」 I was grinned taking the foot massage treatment from him at that time. The reason why my soles were not like typical Tokyo soles and were incredibly tender and soft is because while I took foot massage treatment three day in a row. I was travelling to Taiwan for 3 days starting from 2015/12/11, somebody showed me「夏威夷養生行館. 」That massage was very much relaxing and because of that I used to visit it every day.
I thought the feeling of the 'relax" came from inside of me, so I was curious what the outside of me looked like. And the result was that inredible softness and the tragic good bye to that tenderness.
Why was it Taiwan in the first place?
The reason is Yuka Aoki. We, and recipe, made pamphlet about cooking recipe using Taiwan cookware, called Datong Electric Pans.
After travelling many countries, she visited Taiwan in 2003 and totally became crazy about this country and people. And she published book about Taiwan" KIKAINE-Taiwan", it became the best-seller, and she got awards and she has become a first foreign MC of TV show in Taiwan.
Anyway, she is the most famous Japanese in Taiwan.
She is sharing the information about Taiwan to Japanese media and coordinating tour with latest trend with her unique sense. And this 夏威夷養生行館 massage place was her recommendation.
That famous Yuka told me about the appealing point of electronic pot. So, we made the recipe for the pamphlet. Someone said while we were drinking, let's party in Taiwan. That was crazy but all staffs wanted it. It was in the end of the year. I didn't know why cameramen and writers said ok although they were in the busiest season of the year. What was it? Was it an appeal of Taiwan? Or were they drunk? Or everything that I told you?
Thus, Taiwan trip became a bullet shot trip.
While going, the departure time of the airplane was at 5 in the early morning. Upon return, it was at 0:40 at midnight (Landed to Tokyo at 4:40 AM). Very early and very late. But, with this schedule, we could enjoy a full stay at Taiwan. I was glad that I could stay there as long as possible.
Anyway, on December 11, Friday morning, 8:40, I arrived at Taoyuan airport in Taiwan.
When I look up at the sky, as a forecast said before, there was an unpleasant gray clouds up there. But, I felt comfortable because I was able to catch a glimpse of the blue sky as a small gift. Or more precisely, the state of my heart was enchanted apparently. We call convenience store "useful shop"!..... There is a family mart in front of the hotel !... And a rumor, there are tremendous number of motor cycle lovers!!... Like that, when I am inspired, I cannot help taking photos of them.

Besides, what raised up my mood the most was(Haochi/meaning delicious)good food.
I thought I should call Yuka Aoki herself, a good (Haochi). It was not only the taste of the shop was delicious, but the explanation of the background according to Aoki san was more delicious. I went to the restaurant. What I heard from Aoki san is 「This is the restaurant opened by the owner without keeping any useless internal expenses. Even if the salarymen come to the restaurant every day, they will never be bored.」 The restaurant is not beautiful but the food is delicious. After that, smiling clerk of the shop carried the superb item 「bluebottle fly(Sichuan style meat minced)toward the place where 6 people were sitting in an enclosed round table. During 3 days, I was taken care of by Aoki san.I went the restaurant frequently used by the local people and the finest restaurant hardly to take the reservation, too.
