柚子のぽん酢 豚肉とれんこんの鍋yuzu PONZU SAUCE Lotus Root Hot Pot with Pork

柚子のぽん酢 豚肉とれんこんの鍋
王道ぽん酢には鍋の王様を。旬の野菜もシャキシャキと。Ponzu Sauce goes well with Hot Pot, as well as with seasoned vegetables.

檸檬のぽん酢 鶏団子と黒こしょうの鍋lemon PONZU SAUCE Chicken Meatball Hot Pot with Black Pepper

檸檬のぽん酢 鶏団子と黒こしょうの鍋
鶏団子に革命を。檸檬ぽん酢の新鮮テイスト。Watch a chicken meatball revolution. The fresh taste of the Lemon Ponzu Sauce.

莱姆のぽん酢 海老の水餃子鍋Lime PONZU SAUCE Hot Pot with Shrimp and Dumplings

莱姆のぽん酢 海老の水餃子鍋
ライムでいただく水餃子。エスニックな鍋を爽やかに。Season your dumpling with lime. Make the ethnic hot pot refreshingly tangy.
つくり方にもどるMaking Ponzu Sauce
「Diner」では3種の鍋の〆メニューも公開予定!More supreme menus for three different types of hot pots will be released in 'Diner.'