
「東北の震災があった時に、小池、編集者、カメラマンの何人かで東北に行くことになったんです。地震が起きた直後には、料理家としてなにかできることをしたいと考えてもいて。でも、炊き出しをさせてもらったとして、300人分作って、301人目の方が来てくれた時、俺はどうすればいいんだろう。ごめんなさいってどんな顔して謝ればいいんだろって、悩みに悩んで、炊き出しに行くことはやめにして、料理家という肩書きは忘れて、とにかく行ってみたという経緯がありました。今回のネパール行を小池に誘われた時は、現地でなにをするかは迷いませんでした。YouMe Schoolってライくんが日本で感じた日本式教育のよさを取り入れているから掃除も生徒みんながしていて、“みんなで”というのがポイントだったそうなんですね。ネパールではカーストが残っているから、身分が上の子は掃除なんてしない。だからこそ、ライくんはみんなで掃除をすることにこだわったんですけど、でも、YouMe Schoolにはみんなで食べる給食はない。だったら、給食を作ってみたいと、すっと思いつきました。それでも、僕らが給食を作っても、それって1日限定のこと。東北で迷ってしまった、炊き出しの301人目への思いのように『明日は給食がないのかぁ』と子供たちががっかりするかもと想像はしてしまったけど、この学校の名は夢スクール。だったら、たとえ1日であっても、子供たちが『給食っておいしい』『みんなで同じものを食べるのって楽しい』と感じてもらえて、誰かひとりでも『毎日給食を食べたい』とか『毎日給食を食べさせたい』という夢になってくれたのならって。でも、まさにいまはドキドキですけどね。いまさらだけど、日本ふうのカレーが、みんなの口に合うのかなぁって」

Yamada, making a Japanese curry, told me about his reservation about coming to Nepal this time. To me, he always looked happy with his positive attitude and smile, so his confession came as a quite surprise for me.
“When Tohoku earthquake occurred, I went to Tohoku with Koike, an editor and some photographers. After the earthquake, I wanted to support people as a chef. But what if 301st person came to eat food after finishing making food for 300 people? How can I apologize? After a long contemplation, I decided not to help emergency rice feeding, and then went there not as a chef. For this time, I had no hesitation in what I would do on the field. YouMe School’s education has adopted many parts of Japanese education that Rai had experienced in Japan. For example, students clean up altogether, putting emphasis on ‘altogether.’ The high-class children usually do not clean up due to the continued existence of the caste system, and that is the reason why Rai sticks with the idea of cleaning up together. However, there is no existence of eating meals together at YouMe School. This inspired me for an idea of making school meals. Nevertheless, it would only last for one day. Like I was feeling hesitant in Tohoku, imagining 301st person waiting for emergency rice feeding, the thought of disappointing children after one-day school meal came to my mind, but the name of this school is dream school. Then, even though it lasts for one day, it would be still meaningful that children could feel that “school meals are delicious” “I enjoy eating the same food with everyone.” And this could be the chance for some students to have a dream of “eating” or “feeding school meals everyday.” Still, I am nervous now. Will they like Japanese curry?”




Afterwards, his concern turned out to be unfounded.
All the students wanted one more bowl. They enjoyed the discrepancy between Japanese rice and Nepali rice. Moreover, the kids had a healthy appetite, and there was even a voracious one who loved to eat three more bowls. For your information, you can find it in my memo: “While we served the kid in order of their ages, they were waiting until everyone was served: endearing in the way that they were waiting, stirring their spoons.”
Subsequently, shooting was performed by Seki, who likes to treat us, and it was well praised!
In Nepal, distribution rate of flushing toilets is much greater than that of smartphones, so they have experience with the picture itself. However, the simple printing machine from Japan surprised them. For kids, it was their first time experimenting analogue portrait photography. Although I begged them to show me the picture, they strongly refused, putting up the picture in their pockets – this describes how much they value the picture. This photo printing gained in popularity throughout the village, and later the village people pressed Seki for the picture once they knew he is ‘the photographer.’
When it comes to behind-the-scene story, I remember this episode.
After coming to Japan, I realized that one part of my notes “Japanese rice is here!” is not insignificant as it includes ‘exclamation points (!)’ It is challenging to find Japanese rice in Nepal, and there were people who helped to prepare for this ahead of time. Those were Ms. Sate, Rai’s sister, and Ms. Mai Ogawa. Ms. Ogawa belongs to a non-profit organization, and eight years have passed since he came to Nepal. The note of “Water: IMPORTANT” is according to her information of Nepal that I heard from her when peeling the potatoes. In this country, water is not pouring out of the taps.
In her high school days, she had watched the TV show called ‘Myths of the World’ and since then she has always dreamed of knowing the different values outside Japan.


 語られる主語は「ネパール」や「YouMe School」や「ライくん」ばかり。

 and recipeのふたりは、今度は日本の縁日のようなお祭的イベントを企画して(山田くんは焼き鳥の屋台をだしたいらしい)、YouMe Schoolの生徒だけではなく、地域の人にも会いに行く旅をしてみたいそうだ。カメラマンの関くんは「もう、じゃんけんはしない」と言ってはいるけれど、次の旅でも彼しか撮れない笑顔を収めるのだろう。


“For these eight years, I realized the difficulty of solving the issues remaining in Nepal. Insurance is one example. In Japan, health insurance is a matter of course, but it’s obviously not natural in Nepal, and they even cut the umbilical cord with a piece of glass giving birth, which can cost invaluable lives. Therefore, we built the facility called health post consisted of not doctors, but staffs with sufficient medical knowledge and skills, and sometimes education is the obstacle. The older people, without any education, even forgot about the prescription. If people are from farm family, they would be professional about the agriculture related knowledge, but they have no experience of learning from the perspective of education. Although we carried a message like “Please take this medicine three times a day,” they forget it soon without a learning experience. Because of this, I support Rai's school and the activities with all my heart. Even though Rai told me that his generation alone cannot change Nepal, I believe that if next generation, and further next time generation cause a positive change in this country, the power of education still can be proven.”
One year ago, my fortuitous trip to Nepal.
That was the trip with few people who speak about themselves.
The subjects of the communication we had merely include ‘Nepal’ ‘YouMe School’ or ‘Rai.’
Ms. Sate quitted her job as a banker, the country’s elite career, to assist her brother to realize his dream, saying “I love the way my brother walks. Since he was very young, he was born to lead. Carrying stuffs on his shoulder, he was moving forward.” with her eyes shining. Big brother Basu, Rai’s cousin, came for a cigarette, and although he did not say anything at the time, he disappeared after Ms. Sate mentioned “Without Basu, there is no YouMe School. From finding the equipment to site supervision, he was responsible for everything. Sometimes, he played a villain.” He was moved to tears somewhere nobody can see him, as if his laboring was all paid for by this comment.
Those two and recipe members would like to go on a trip to meet not only students from YouMe School, but local people, by planning a festival such as Japanese Ennichi (a day believed to have a special relation with a Japanese deity). Even though Seki, the photographer, says “I won’t play rock-pepper-scissor anymore,” he will be willing to take great pictures of the smiles that he himself only can do for the next trip. And, I will keep leaving a note.  


「YouMe School」
In 2012, Sharad Rai, the founder, established the school in his hometown of Durchhim, Khotang. At that time, student-teacher ratio was 28:1, but thanks to many supporters, including Japan, the new school was founded. The number of students in the school increased from 138 (when interviewing) to 151. In addition to the increased number of teachers (10 teachers), teaching skills of English language, computer among others increased as well.