食べて笑ってぐっときて。恋とサンバとフットサルと。Eat, Laugh, and Touched. Love, Samba, and Futsal.


「以前付き合っていた男性が、ブラジル人だったんですね。やっぱり、ブラジルの人は情熱的というか、24時間ずっとくっついていたいというか、人前でもチュとかしてくるんですよ。日本の人はそうじゃないでしょ? 人前チュはあんまりしない方が多いと思うんです。私は母方のルーツが沖縄で父親がブラジル。育ったのは日本のこの町なので、ブラジルと日本のいいところをそれぞれ感じながら生きてこれたと思うんです。だから、今後お付き合いするのなら、半分づつぐらいの人がいい。典型的な日本人で恋愛に消極的な方は寂しく感じてしまうかもだけど、人前チュって、私はちょっと恥ずかしいから」


そんな貴重なワンシーンが見れたのも、ジュリアナさんつながりだった。ジュリアナさんの友達のみーちゃんがブラジル人のチアゴさんと結婚したと聞きアドリブで訪ねてみると、ふたりは一目瞭然でラブラブだった。ハッシュタグを付けるのなら「#あつあつかよ!」だ。こちらの軽いリクエスト=「じゃ、キスでもしてみますか?」にも「躊躇? なにそれ?」てな秒速でチュっとなる。ちなみに、みーちゃんがチアゴさんに惚れた一番のポイントは「惚れたんじゃなくて、惚れられたんです(笑)」で、チアゴさんの一番のポイントは「ブンブン」らしい。ん? ブンブンってなんですか? ポルトガル語で「お尻のこと」と教えてもらった瞬間、みんなで爆笑した。











Émile Deschamps, a 19th-centry French poet, once mentioned that “When two people cry together for the first time they understand how much they love each other,” Ms. Juliana Togashi, who is a staff of the Oizumi Tourism Association, told us the difference between Japan and Brazil of having a relationship.

“Before, I dated a Brazilian guy. Well, Brazilians are passionate, and they tend to cling to each other all day long, kissing in public. Isn’t it different from Japanese people here? For some people, kissing done in public is inappropriate, I guess. Okinawa on my mother’s side, and my father is a Brazilian. I was raised in this village in Japan, so I have an understanding of both good sides of Brazil and Japan. That’s why I prefer to date the half-half. While I feel lonely in a relationship with a typical Japanese man, I am also too shy to kiss in public.”

Ms. Juliana’s parents lived separately in São Paulo, and ran into each other in Oizumi, and after a while, they got together. In September last year, her first impression about her visit to grandmother in Brazil was, “Wow, Brazilians are everywhere!” The baked BBQ Banana also surprised her. It looked not good though, baked until it got burned, but it tasted really delicious, eating after peeling it. Loving her hometown, Oizumi, with a distinguished atmosphere from Japan despite its location in Japan, she smiled and danced samba enthusiastically for recording our movie, saying “Please come to see us when you would like to experience another culture.”

Passion about love— in other words, kisses in public.
It was the Ms. Juliana’s connection that, luckily, let us sees the one important scene. Hearing that Mi-chan, a friend of Ms. Juliana, got married to Mr. Thiago, we made an impromptu visit to her, and at first glance it seemed obvious that they were the mushy couple. A hashtag for them? #Madly In Love. To respond to our minor request for kissing each other, they just kissed as quickly as possible as if they have never acknowledged of the meaning of ‘hesitation.’ In addition, what made Mi-chan fall in love with Mr. Thiago was “I didn’t fall in love him. He did fall in love with me (laughter)” and Mr. Thiago pointed out the ‘Bum-bum’ as the most attractive part of Mi-chan. What is Bum-bum anyway? The moment we learned that Bum-bum means ‘buttocks’ in Portuguese, we all laughed our heads off.

In Oizumi, I feel like I laughed all the time, when eating a meat, drinking a Brazilian beer, talking to Ms. Juliana and her friends, and throughout.

At the dusk, the speaker laughed all the time.

Sixteen years ago, Mr. Edvaldo Oshiro, once a prominent Futsal player, established the Futsal School of ‘Brazil Futsal Center’ in Oizumi. Flying in an airline looking down, his brother had been pleased to know that Japan had a wide range of green soccer field, but later they learned that all of them were paddy fields. Still, he managed to merge the diverse races into one single unity with the power of Futsal in the village, not even in a city, in the country, where soccer is not even a major sport. While Brazil already has the world-class passion for soccer and Futsal, it was very glad to know that there is a missionary in this village as well.

“The fascination of Futsal or soccer is that, you need nothing but only one ball to play with. No requirement for fluency in Japanese, Portuguese, or English. With one ball, all of us can have fun together. That’s why I love it.”

On the day at the ‘Brazil Futsal Center,’ there were people, including girls, with different cultural backgrounds, heading for one soccer ball. Of the approximately 170 students in the center, half are Japanese, and others include Brazilian, Peruvian, and Bolivian people.

To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, as quoted by Chaplin and Hitoshi Matsumoto— Mr. Edvaldo has only one rule for club members: ‘Discrimination and bullying are never acceptable.’ The sentence touched my heart. Despite all the smiles of Brazilian people I see, in fact they don’t always smile. The situations that make them cry should exist there. Imagining the reverse side of their smiles, I am suddenly grateful for all the smiling faces today I encountered with.

All of a sudden, I found the growing shadow on the Futsal playing court, and only the upper right portion of it exposed to the afternoon sun. The light shines only there. I was a bit sad at the moment, as it was likely that the orange light specified that a few people can be elected as a world-class soccer player.

The Little Brazil in Japan, Oizuma, Gunma. Eat, Laugh and Touched.
While our ‘and trip’ aims to ‘go out and meet someone,’ this trip may be continued. In the volume of re-union, I wish I would see the full version of Ms. Juliana’s Samba. I also hope to learn Futsal from Mr. Edvaldo.
Extending our journey to the clubs in neighboring villages, ‘#Are we now in Japan?’ seems interesting to me, as recommended by Tsukamoto Edison Junior, who is running the businesses including CASA Blanca Oizumi.

The train starts to move in the evening, moving away from Oizumi.

Opened the backpack. The light packing that carried less before the travel turned into the heavy packing with a range of souvenirs from Oizumi. The garish soccer ball in silver and green colors, packed in the backpack at the time, is not kicked out, but is decorated in my room, and it makes me go to Brazil again, every time I see its glimmer.

群馬県邑楽郡大泉町坂田3-7-43-7-4 Sakada, Ora-gun, Oizumi-machi, Gunma
6:00〜19:00Open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
月曜日Closed Every Monday
群馬県邑楽郡大泉町坂田4-18-14-18-1 Sakata, Ora-gun, Oizumi-machi, Gunma
月〜金/12:00〜21:00 土&日/11:00〜21:00Open from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. (Mon—Fri) and from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. (Sat—Sun)
水曜日Closed Every Wednesday
プリマベーラ大泉店Primavera Oizumi
群馬県邑楽郡大泉町西小泉3-2-153-2-15 Nishikoizumi, Ora-gun, Oizumi-machi, Gunma
ランチ11:00〜15:30/ディナー17:00〜22:00Lunch from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Dinner from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
月曜日Closed Every Monday