いいかげん食堂 Wing-It Restaurant

第一品「やきそば」No.01 Yakisoba

これは、and recipe magazineとは別の、とあるグルメ雑誌編集部での出来事。新人グルメライター山岡に編集長がこんなことを言いました。「アメリカのスポーツ観戦にはこんな至言がある。一番高い席か、一番安い席で観戦しろ、だ。だからな、いいかげん食堂でやきそばでも食って来い!」 ミュシュラン的グルメ料理をただで食べられるからこの世界を目指した山岡は、(なーにが、だからだ、だ。やきそばより、絶妙アルデンテなパスタが食べた〜い!)と思いながらも、「はいっ!」と即答し、デジカメとテレコを持って東京のとある下町のその店の暖簾を目指したのでした。

Where there is an editor there is content. This event happened at the office of food magazine – for your information, it is different from ‘and recipe magazine’. The editor-in-chief mentioned to Yamaoka, a budding gourmet writer, “In the US, when you watch the sporting event, you should watch the sporting game either at the most expensive, or the cheapest seat. Hence, go to Wing-It Restaurant and try Yakisoba there!”

Yamaoka immediately responded with a big “yes” to his comment, although what she really thought was, “What is he talking about? I definitely do not want to try Yakisoba. All I want is the superb Al dente pasta!” as she originally pursued her career here due to her ease of access to free foods like the dishes at Michelin star-rated restaurant. Bringing a digital camera as well as a tape recorder of her own, however, Yamaoka headed for the Noren – a traditional Japanese fabric divider in doorways – of the restaurant in a village located in Tokyo.
Reported and written by Hikaru Yamaoka


けれども「本日はよろしくお願いします」と店主に挨拶をした時、片手にビールが握られているのを見て、(ん? これ、やばいやつの予感がする!)と感じずにはいられませんでした。
え? え? えぇ〜?
(それ、私が食べるんだよね? ってか、これ食べなきゃいけないの?)と私は思いました。正直に白状すると、絶対食べたくないとさえ思いました。だって、私ってば、超の付くけっぺき症。電車のつり革を握るのだって嫌で避けてるのに、オヤジの飲みかけビール入りやきそばはねぇだろ、です。


Hello, my name is Yamaoka, and I am a new gourmet writer.
If the editor-in-chief says, “Sun rises in the west,” my answer would be, “So true, sir.” If the chief wants me to go to the Wing-It Restaurant, I would rush to that place. Then, you know what is happening.

Still, when I was saying “Thank you for having me today” to the manager, at the same time I was seeing him with a beer in his one hand, and I had to stuff my inner voice way down deep that said “What is that? Something very strange is going on here.”

Despite my anxieties chasing me, I forced myself to push them away, and placed my order to have a Yakisoba. The manager was slowly heating the antique iron pan over an extremely high heat, after slicing the ingredients. The minute he added Sesame oil, it was smoke everywhere in the restaurant, like a fire broke out. How lucky the sprinkler did not work!

The manager grimaced throughout this. Making weird sounds, he drained the beer.

Without even noticing that I was peeking, he added pork and cabbage, made a very neat job of frying them, and then added the noodles.
Then, the moment we’ve been waiting for is finally here.
He started pouring the beer in his one hand into the pan!
Wait, wait. Am I going to eat THIS? Really?
To be honest, I absolutely did not want to try it. With a very strong obsession with cleanliness, I am a person who even avoids holding on the straps of a train. Yakisoba with the beer partially consumed by one middle-aged man? No. Never.

But when the grilled, pleasant-smelling Yakisoba was served in front of me, it just blew my mind – the mystery of appetite. All of a sudden, the Yakisoba seemed to be very delicious!

When I put this newly made Yakisoba in my mouth, it tasted so hot. And the noodles with sauce – the seasoning was slightly thick, the manager’s preference, I guess.

Tasting the spiciness in the food, I was wondering if the spice is from the pepper he added before. Not only that, but I was also able to perceive subtle difference of flavor, from the secret ingredient – half-consumed beer became invisible in Yakisoba, but aroma remained. What was all that about? In fact, the ingredients looked quite simple, just pork and cabbage, but with browned surface in places, conflated with the fragrant smell of Sesame oil, nothing could stop me from eating my food.

You beat me. Staring at the empty iron plate, I couldn’t help thinking like that.

RECIPEいいかげん「やきそば」いいかげん ”Yakisoba”

  • 豚バラスライス 50g
  • キャベツ 1/8玉
  • ひとつまみ
  • 白こしょう 多め
  • ビール いいかげん
  • 中濃ソース 大さじ2
  • オイスターソース 大さじ1
  • 紅生姜 お好み
  • ごま油 大さじ2
  • 焼きそば麺 1玉
  • 50g pork belly, thinly sliced
  • 1/8 cabbage
  • A pinch of salt
  • A lot of ground white pepper
  • Beer – Just wing it!
  • 2 tbsp. Worcester sauce
  • 1 tbsp. Oyster sauce
  • 2 tbsp. Sesame oil
  • 1 pkg Yakisoba noodles
  • Extra red pickled ginger

次回予告 ☞ 「ポテサラ」 乞うご期待