山田英季の鉄のフライパンを探しています。 Looking for Cast Iron Skillet

撮影/鈴木泰介 取材・文/編集部

Hidesue Yamada, the chef, is planning
his trip for looking for cast iron skillet.
Wait, wait. What? Okay, as a chef,
he probably wants something professional,
not just home skillet, but traveling for
shopping the cast iron skillet?
Responding to the curious eyes of the staffs
in the Editorial Department,
Hidesue Yamada began telling the story,
looking at somewhat distance.
Photographer / Taisuke Suzuki
Interview & Story by : Editorial Department

episode 0








I was 19 years old when I encountered this skillet: 26cm skillet by Endo Shoji. The more you use your cast iron, the better it gets. Only after three years, the pan became my go to pan for almost everything, but there's my growth story behind this.

Initially, I was not used to tossing food in a skillet one handed. There was a senior who was capable of doing this, and in my opinion, this was one of the coolest tricks. Therefore, everyday I tried and tried to do it properly by frying the porks, or onions for hamburgers. The more I became better when I flip them in a pan, the more the pan also improved! It became non-stick. The skillet became more necessary than anything else with each use, as if you can get the Dashi from just pouring water on it.

Fifteen years have passed since I met my skillet. I cook anything in it, even fried foods and pasta, which are often cooked with an aluminum frying pan or a pot. Why do I stick to the cast iron skillet? Compared with aluminum one, there are a number of advantages of the cast iron skillet. Known for its even heating, it also retains heat remarkably well, though my favorite part is, to put it simply, it makes better foods.

About two years ago, however, I used it so much that the bottom of pan bowed upward in the middle and I failed to make the fried eggs. As the center of the pan was bowed out, it moved into the edges of the pan. Well, I had a hunch that she might leave me - For me, this frying pan is feminine, like a wife who have been with me for a long time, yet I just can't leave her after all the times she assisted and followed me. She is still important to me, despite all the decreased chances to cook with her.

Nevertheless, my goal is to see the smiles of all the hungry people in the world. Some of those starving would like to have the fried eggs, and I can't use the pan that much anymore -- That's why I decided to go on a trip to shop for new cast iron skillet.

That’s why Hidesue Yamada went on a trip to look for the ultimate cast iron skillet.


  • 牛ひき肉 ……… 100g
  • しめじ ………… 1/2pc
  • 玉ねぎ ………… 1/2玉
  • バター ………… 15g
  • ケチャップ …… 大さじ2
  • 塩 ……………… ひとつまみ
  • 黒こしょう …… 少々
  • ブランデー …… 大さじ 2
  • 砂糖 …………… 小さじ1
  • たまご ………… 3個
  • サラダ油 ……… 小さじ1
  1. ① 玉ねぎはスライスに、しめじは石づきを取ってほぐしておきます。
  2. ② フライパンにバターをあたため、①をしんなりするまで炒めます。
  3. ③ ひき肉を加えて、塩こしょうで下味をつけながら炒めたら、
  4. ④ ケチャップと砂糖を加えて、水分を少し飛ばすように炒めます。
  5. ⑤ サラダ油をあたためたフライパンにたまごを落とし、
  6. ⑥ 黄身に菜箸を刺して、全体を軽く混ぜフライパンいっぱいに伸ばします。
  7. ⑦ たまごの上に④の具をのせて、オムライスの要領で包んで
  • 100g ground beef
  • 1/2pc Shimeji mushrooms
  • 1/2 onion
  • 15g butter
  • 2 tbsp. ketchup
  • A pinch of salt
  • Extra black pepper
  • 2 tbsp. brandy
  • 1 tsp. sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tsp. salad oil
  1. ① Cut onion thinly. Clean stem and cut mushrooms.
  2. ② Heat the butter in the frying pan. Fry ① until it becomes wilted.
  3. ③ Add beef. Season with salt, black pepper and flambe with brandy.
  4. ④ Add ketchup and sugar, and fry as water is gone. Sweat down.
  5. ⑤ Heat the salad oil in a frying pan and add egg. Fail to make the fried egg.
  6. ⑥ Stir yolks with chopsticks, mix well and add your egg. Move the pan around to spread them out.
  7. ⑦ Place the ④ on the top of the egg. Put ketchup on it like Japanese Omelet Rice, and serve.


  1. ① コーティングされている薬剤を取るために、
  2. ② 洗剤を使わずにたわし、または鉄たわしを使って水で洗う。
  3. ③ サビが気になるようになったら、油を塗る。
  1. ① Bake the new cast iron skillet with a high heat as the pans are usually coated with chemicals. Fry vegetable scraps in the oil.
  2. ② Wash the skillet with water, without using the soap. Use a stiff brush, or iron brush. Boil the skillet for drying it.
  3. ③ If you would like to remove the rust, apply a coat of oil to the skillet.
次回!「究極のフライがえし」を探す旅編NEXT EPISODE Trip to Look for the Ultimate Spatula